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 Sujet du message: Décès de Son Altesse Royale Savivan SAVANG-MANIVONG
MessagePosté: Dim Jan 07, 2007 12:52 am 
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Inscription: Lun Jan 09, 2006 10:23 pm
Messages: 533
Décès de Son Altesse Royale La Princesse Savivan SAVANG-MANIVONG
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Son Altesse Royale La Princesse Savivan SAVANG-MANIVONG, fille ainée du
dernier Roi du Laos SRI SAVANG VATTHANA est décédée ce vendredi 5 janvier 2007, à l'àge de 73 ans.




Princess Calls For Focus on Plight of Lao Women
Source :

Lao Princess Savivanh Savang Manivong currently lives in exile in the
southern French city of Nice. Educated in Luang Prabang, France and
England, the princess served in the court of her father, the king of
Laos, until the fall of the monarchy to communist forces in 1975. The
rest of the royal family was interned in communist camps and
have 'disappeared'.

What follows are excerpts from a 1999 speech and from an interview
with RFA's Lao service:

"In the olden days, Lao women have been compared to the `hind legs of
the elephant,' in charge of household chores, of raising children.
Because of all these duties and many more, we were called `the mother
of the household'…"

"Since then, Lao women have had the opportunity to attend school and
obtain various degrees in different fields, and they are now
professionally and intellectually equal to their male counterparts in
all fields and careers. Regardless of their advancement in the
workforce or the professions, Lao women still hold true to, and
practice the traditional role and behavior of a gentlewoman. We are
gracious and poised in every way possible, and most importantly, we
are the main keepers of our cultural heritage and tradition.
Moreover, Lao women also have an important role in instilling and
following the religious rites and practices of Buddhism."

"Tragically in 1975, an unexpected event occurred in Laos where many
husbands and heads of households, were arrested and sent for re-
education because of their political affiliation with the previous
regime. So the wives, now the heads of the households, had to save
the rest of their families by taking them away from their native land
and seeking refuge in third countries. Even though Lao women were
loyal followers of their husbands, in time of need, and for the sake
of their children's future and happiness, they easily and confidently
took the lead role in rescuing their families, providing them with
new homes in new lands."

"I myself was no exception, for I, too, had to weather many storms,
many struggles, and much hardship in my life. During my exile, my
thoughts and love were with my father, mother, brothers, other
relatives, and all those who were taken by the Communists and whose
fates were never revealed to anyone. I have traveled to many places,
many countries, where, regardless of where they are, Lao women still
hold true their dual roles of being a mother and being a
worker/professional in their fields."

"Admirably, they continue to instill religious values, Lao geography,
history, cultural heritage and tradition, arts and literature, and
Lao, the native language of our country, to their children from
generation to generation. Some of them even manage to obtain
prestigious degrees and are currently executives in companies and
organizations. I proudly applaud them for their outstanding

"Currently, we Lao women have securely settled down in third
countries; however, I am thinking of those of us who are still left
behind in our homeland and have to face daily struggles and
difficulties in their lives. They have to do what it takes for them,
and their families to survive. In addition, there are alarming new
threats to Lao women such as AIDS, and drugs which are spreading
widely in Laos."

"I appeal to Lao women, all overseas Lao, to come together and focus
our efforts on improving the conditions of our fellow countrymen
still in Laos. This is a plea to all Lao women to come together, to
pay attention to the fate of the Lao people. Now Lao women can play a
significant role in bringing all Lao together to find political means
to bring back to our country freedom and democracy, which constitute
the prerequisite condition for national development."

"I am always interested in hearing about Lao women, and I am very
concerned about the current problems that they face, especially since
these problems have never existed before in Laos. Upon hearing these
struggles that face them daily, I am saddened and disheartened about
the lives of our Lao women who have to struggle daily with these
problems. As far as organizing the prevention and the fight of AIDS
is concerned, I have not contacted anyone yet. I think it's important
for these women, for us, to come together and work collectively…"

Original reporting by RFA's Lao service. Edited for the Web in
English by Sarah Jackson-Han and Luisetta Mudie.

--- Dans, "loung_khampha" <loung_khampha@...>
a écrit :
Au revoir Princesse

Hier, une étoile encore nous a quittés,
La Princesse de sang Royal, en silence,
S'en va, de cette terre bénie de France,
Rejoindre ses parents lâchement assassinés.

Au revoir Princesse


De : Elisabeth FEAU -

Veuillez recevoir en ces moments si pénibles aprés que notre altesse nous est quitté aprés nous avoir éclairé de milles feu, veuillez recevoir mes sincère condoléance et sachez que maintenant elle est en paix.

Communauté lao en France

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