
Film : Histoire d'un pilote US prisonnier du Pathet Lao
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Auteur:  suryap [ Mer Jan 10, 2007 3:41 pm ]
Sujet du message:  Film : Histoire d'un pilote US prisonnier du Pathet Lao

FILM : "Rescue Dawn "
Date de sortie : PROCHAINEMENT


Ce film narre l’histoire extraordinaire de l’enlèvement au Laos de l’ex-pilote militaire Dieter Dengler et de son intrépide évasion. Werner Herzog s’est servi de ce documentaire inédit pour concevoir son dernier long métrage de fiction, Rescue Dawn (2006), qui vient de faire salle comble au dernier Festival du film de Toronto.

Mais loin d’être une étude préliminaire à l’oeuvre proprement dite, ce genre a toutes les faveurs du cinéaste parce qu’il neutralise l’artifice de la mise en scène au profit de la réalité brute, au point de se confondre avec elle. « Je tombe sur des gens ou des incidents et j’en fais des documentaires. Cela a toujours été ainsi », a-t-il d’ailleurs déclaré.

Comme Werner Herzog, Dieter Dengler est né en Allemagne ; comme lui, il est fasciné par l’aviation et le vol en général ; et pour lui, Little Dieter revient sur les lieux de sa captivité et mime la torture puis son évasion. L’occasion pour Werner Herzog de se faire l’archétype du reporter de guerre et de nous plonger dans l’enfer du Vietnam.



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L'acteur Christian Bale a joué dans le film "Batman begin" en 2005.

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In 1966, German immigrant and debutant military pilot Dieter Dengler's plane was shot out of the sky over Laos. Dengler was subsequently captured by the Pathet Lao and eventually turned over to the Viet Cong, who imprisoned him in a POW camp inside the Laotian border for six excruciating months. In Werner Herzog's Little Dieter Needs To Fly, Dengler's torturous captivity is conveyed in the poetic terms of Herzog's camera, as the pilot's escape from prison and his subsequent return to Viet Nam and Laos are examined. Dengler's amazing story is also the inspiration for Herzog's new fiction film, Rescue Dawn, starring Christian Bale.

Sources :

On 2 February 1966, he was part of a four-ship flight of "Spads," as pilots called their A-1s, enroute to interdict enemy movements in Vietnam. Weather forced the formation to an alternate target in Laos. As he rolled in to drop his bombs, Dengler’s "Spad" was hit by 57-mm antiaircraft fire. He crash landed the crippled aircraft and hid for two days before capture by Pathet Lao troops. Eight days later, Dengler escaped but was recaptured and severely beaten. He was imprisoned in a small compound with six other prisoners, including an Air Force helicopter pilot, Duane Martin. As living conditions worsened, the prisoners realized that the guards planned to kill them. Dengler and his compatriots stole some weapons and shot their way out. The group separated, but Dengler and Martin remained together and, shoeless, made their way through the jungle. Faced with torrential rain, cold, leeches, and malaria, they grew weaker. Stumbling onto some villagers, Martin was killed. Dengler, delusional and terrified, escaped! Days later, an Air Force A-1 pilot spotted him on a rock in a stream. Dengler frantically waved a piece of white parachute. Rescued by helicopter, he weighed 97 pounds! Dengler’s will to survive earned him a Navy Cross and other medals. He left the Navy in 1968 and flew as a flight engineer with Trans World Airlines for several years. He wrote Escape from Laos in 1979. He enjoys traveling, remodeling houses, and restoring and flying old aircraft. Recently, he visited his crash site in Laos and found the engine of his A-1. Dengler and his wife, Yukiko, live in California. ... gler00.htm

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